Written by Maxwell Akosah
Unaccompanied migrants are classified as those entering the European member states without their parents or an adult's care. In 2015, Finland experienced a rise in refugees and asylum seekers in the country. This has relatively resulted in a high number of unaccompanied migrants entering aftercare in Finland. Unaccompanied migrants have a long-standing history of conflicts and have experienced trauma in their journey to Europe and even beyond, which requires many concerns. Their past experiences have affected their mental and psychological well-being. Consequently, these young adults have been undergoing some challenges to living alone. In this regard, I embarked on this study to uncover what transpired in their transition from care to adulthood.
The study had two main objectives; to make an in-depth investigation of the challenges unaccompanied migrants in the aftercare face and explore how they cope with such adversities while living alone. A qualitative research method with open-ended questions as an interview guide was adopted to conduct the research. I used thematic analysis during the data analysis. A total number of four participants were interviewed during the data collection stage.
The study findings were in two folds; challenges and coping measures. Regarding the challenges, the study discovered participants perceive loneliness as one of the challenges facing unaccompanied migrants in aftercare. Whilst some said they had missed their families, others find it thought-provoking living alone. The participants also noted that some of their friends are desperate and feel alone.
Moreover, the study results revealed that aftercare unaccompanied migrants experienced a series of stress and other psychological issues. Some of the participants mentioned feeling stressed anytime they hear or listen to bad news from their countries. Some even go to the extent of taking drugs to forget about things in their past.
The study's results also indicated that unaccompanied migrants in aftercare are facing issues regarding social relationships. The participants expressed the difficulties they find in making friends with their Finnish peers. The participants noted during the findings that their Finnish counterparts cannot get close to them due to cultural differences.
On the part of the coping measures, the participants mentioned in the findings that self-belief and the fact that they can make their own decisions enable them to cope with their challenges. Another critical thing they also stated in the results was to have a positive mindset if you want to survive. For some participants, the best way to cope with challenging situations is to have regular sporting activities such as gym, running and boxing.
The results suggest unaccompanied migrants have regular contacts with their families as means of social support. According to the participants, they receive inspiration and advice from their families anytime they talk with them. The findings also showed participants helping and receiving help from friends in times of needs. It was noted from the results that the participants asked for professional assistance. For instance, when handling official problems like getting some agreements or doing some complex assignments in school.
This study's findings summarise young adults' experiences in becoming independent. Therefore, policymakers can use this project to improve the well-being of unaccompanied migrants in aftercare. Furthermore, support persons in social services can apply the results and the suggestions for future support and services to clients in aftercare. It will enable support persons to prioritise the needs of their clients and engage them in solving some unknown issues.
Overall, the study's findings revealed that unaccompanied migrants in aftercare face challenges such as loneliness, social relationships, and psychological issues. Their challenges result from their past traumas before arriving in Finland and living in the family group homes. According to the study's results, the participants rely on self-reliance and social needs to cope with aftercare challenges. Despite the young people’s inner ability and readiness to confront their difficulties, they also admitted seeking other supports from family members, peer groups, and professional workers to facilitate their coping.
I want to seize this opportunity to thank you to the four participants for volunteering to be part of this study. My gratitude also goes out to EHJÄ ry for partnering and supporting to ensure this project's success. Finally, I want to acknowledge efforts by my supervisors at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences throughout the thesis process. I say thank you ALL.
Check the details and full access to the thesis here.
Tiivistelmä suomeksi:
Alaikäisenä, ilman huoltajaa Suomeen tulleiden nuorten jälkihuoltokokemuksia
Maxwell Akosah (sosionomi AMK) tutki opinnäytetyössään alaikäisenä ilman huoltajaa Suomeen muuttaneiden nuorten (kotoutumislain mukaisen) jälkihuollon aikaisia itsenäistymiskokemuksia. Tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää millaisia haasteita ryhmäkodeista itsenäiseen asumiseen muuttavat nuoret kohtaavat ja mitkä seikat puolestaan auttavat heitä sopeutumaan. Laadullisen tutkimuksen aineiston keruu suoritettiin neljän teemahaastattelun muodossa.
Opinnäytetetyön mukaan nuorten jälkihuollon aikana kokemia haasteita olivat yksinäisyys, psyykkiset ongelmat, ikävä omaa perhettä kohtaan sekä hankaluudet saada suomalaisia ystäviä. Erityisenä stressitekijänä mainittiin lähtömaasta kantautuvat huonot uutiset. Haastatteluissa nousi esiin myös päihteiden käyttö itsehoitokeinona ikävien muistojen unohtamiseen.
Nuoret kertoivat haasteista selviytymisessä olennaista olevan: usko itseen, positiivinen asenne, vapaus tehdä omia valintoja sekä säännöllinen liikuntaharrastus. Sosiaaliset suhteet lähtömaahan jääneisiin vanhempiin ja Suomessa asuviin ystäviin nähtiin myös keskeisinä jaksamista tukevina tekijöinä. Nuoret kokivat saavansa perheeltä tukea ja neuvoja, ystäviltä konkreettista apua ja sosiaalialan ammattilaisilta tukea koulunkäyntiin ja virallisten asioiden hoitamiseen.
Opinnäytetyön yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että alaikäisenä ilman huoltajaa Suomeen muuttaneet nuoret tarvitsevat itsenäistymisvaiheessa tukea selviytyäkseen yksinäisyyden kokemuksista, psyykkisestä oirehdinnasta sekä vaikeuksista rakentaa verkostoja suomalaisiin. Itseluottamus sekä perheen, ystävien ja ammattilaisten tuki kannattelevat nuorta siirtymävaiheen läpi.